MACC organizes a training course on introduction to HPC Programming Environment


The training course “Introduction to HPC Programming Environment”, organized by the Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC), was held virtually from the 22nd to the 24th of November, 2021.

The course was focused on HPC programming environment, multi-thread programming (OpenMP) and distributed memory model using MPI to develop large-scale scientific applications and covered different topics, such as: an overview of an HPC environment, how access the system, prepare jobs for execution, submit jobs for execution, push and retrieve data from the HPC system; and basics programming skills for these types of systems using OpenMP and MPI frameworks.

The online training course aimed at reaching people who need HPC resources in their daily activities but are not familiar with HPC environments. Non-specialists in computer science, researchers and employees of private companies or public administration were welcomed by the guest speakers, João Dias (MACC SysAdmin) and João Barbosa (MACC Researcher).

“These training events are critical to bring new researchers to the HPC resources. They allow researchers to have their first experience with an HPC environment and allow them to overcome the usual barriers by providing a safe environment to learn and demystify some of the concepts”, stated João Barbosa, researcher at MACC.

The course had a total of 30 participants with an agenda divided into 3 days where different themes and subjects were discussed throughout those days.


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