3rd LUMI/EuroHPC JU Systems Roadshow

Welcome to the 3rd LUMI and other EuroHPC JU systems roadshow organized by EuroCC National Competence Center Sweden (ENCCS) on 8 September 2021!

Similar to the past events we will update you about the LUMI and the other six pan-European (pre)exa-scale supercomputers. In addition we will detail on newly accepted access policies valid for all the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) systems and their usage. We will then continue to present you possibilities of further support towards these systems both as applicants from academia as well as from industry and the public sector.

Focus will be given to the porting of popular software to LUMI.

Details on the event and the schedule will be continuously updated.


Webinar Series | On the Road to HPC: Major Challenges and New Opportunities


High-Performance Computing for Science and Innovation