MACC participated in the NCC Portugal Nways To GPU Programming Bootcamp

The Minho Advanced Computing Center (MACC) participated in a GPU programming Bootcamp, organized by the Portuguese EuroCC National Center of Competence, in collaboration with NVIDIA and The event was held virtually, between April 13th and 14th. 

During the two-day online Bootcamp, the participants had the opportunity to learn about multiple GPU programming models and to choose the one that bests fits their needs to run their scientific codes on GPUs. The event covered an introduction to GPU programming using OpenACC, OpenMP, stdpar and CUDA C, and provided hands-on opportunities to learn how to analyze GPU-enabled applications using NVIDIA Nsight Systems.

This initiative was aimed at the community of Portuguese researchers and students who use GPUs as the main tool for their HPC workloads. 

João Barbosa, researcher at MACC, contributed as one of the teaching assistants helping the participants to complete the laboratories and share his experience with porting scientific software to GPUs.


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HPC4PE is the latest Portuguese project on HPC within the scope of the F4FEuroHPC Open Call